Vertical Take Off

You have what it takes, but maybe you just need a little boost to get some air.

Join me for three months and let your impact and income soar.

The easiest way to grow your ministry is to do the following:

  1. Create a quality free event online that you advertise on social media, that will capture emails and introduce new people into your world

  2. Have a VIP option

  3. Pitch your product to the people who attend your event.

If you do this once or twice a month, you will earn six or seven figures a year.

You may say you don’t have time, or you don’t have the $$$ to do this; I want to call BS; it is your Belief System.

First, you know as well as I do that if you want to get something done, ask a busy person. Secondly, your life has 0% chance of getting less busy. Zero. Third, learning to do something when you are busy is the optimum time; that way, you will make it work in all your seasons of life. If you try when you have a lot of time, the minute life gets busy, you will push this new thing out.

As for the money, if you do not invest in yourself, you will never be able to ask others to invest in you. It is reaping and sowing 101.

That leaves only two obstacles:

  1. The tech

  2. The mindset

The Tech

I have developed a checklist. It contains every single step you need to take to launch an online workshop that will attract new people and qualify leads for your membership group, mentorship group, e-courses, or speaking ministry.

No more learning curve, no more procrastination.

If you do everything on the list every month or multiple times each month, your ministry will be in a different place in weeks, not years.

The Mindset

You know deep in your knower that the largest obstacle is the one between your ears.

How you think, how you question yourself, how you put things off with a rationalization of the fear that you are not good enough and you will fail, or worse, be found out that you are an imposter. This is what is really stopping you.

Let me be a different voice in your life. Speak with me six times over three months, and let’s work together to get you positioned to make the impact and income you know you have been promised.

I am NOT your cheerleader. I will be your coach, and I will get you into the game.

What you get:

  • Launched. Let’s be clear: this is not a slow burn; it is not for everyone; you will get launched fast. Buckle up.

  • Full unlimited lifetime of my Event Checklist

  • Lifetime access to the video steps to do all the steps that will launch your free event.

  • Six coaching sessions with me, thirty minutes each, must be used in three months.

Purchase now for a one time price of $3,997, I will be in touch within 24 hours, and we are off.

Finance it as low as $150 per month. Click here to see if that works for you. (USA only)